Give Securely Online
At this time we realize that it may be difficult to get your tithe in to us. So we have joined forces with Cornerstone Payment Systems to make it even easier to give! Please click on the link below to securely give your tithe, offering, or otherwise specified donation today.
Make giving even easier by texting-to-give with Cornerstone!

After the initial set up, simply reply to the text message to confirm your gift each time…

Mail a check or money order
Or if you prefer, you can still mail your tithe in to:
Community Christian Church
1903 W Summerland St, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Hand deliver your tithe to our church mail slot
If you feel like going for a drive, feel free to hand deliver your tithe to our mail slot on the back side of the church building.

Thank You!!
Give honor to the Lord with your wealth, and with the first fruits of all your increase: So your store-houses will be full of grain, and your vessels overflowing with new wine.
Proverbs 3:9-10